Saturday, November 29, 2008

Criss, Cross Bun

Here is a fun one. The one thing I don't like, is most of these styles look like the same in front. Let's make sure when we are walking anywhere by a little girl, we look at the top of her head.
I will be posting more in a day or two, so check back. We have a Shirley Temple coming up (and for those of you who don't know Shirley Temple...go ask your mom).

I am Behind

OK, for any one out there in cyber space reading this, I have gotten far behind on posting hair designs. If for nothing else, Eilish loves knowing her pictures are on a blog.

How many braids are there? I say two (as they are folded in half), Eilish swears that there are four of them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Web of Braids

I was not even going to post this one, yet you need to see the good, bad and ugly. I was goofing around one day and couldn't figure out what to do with her hair, so I started making braids all over the place. I then connected them just were ever and this is what we ended up with. At least the bow goes with the shirt.

Emma Smith design (according to Eilish)

The first thing Eilish said when she saw her hair, was that she looked like Emma Smith. I don't know where she is finding these goofy smiles. She is also wearing her "I am a Child of God" dress.

Zig Zag braid

This was a wild one. You take 6 braids and zig zag them back and forth and then add a piggy tail on the side. I would of done a messy bun, yet she wanted a piggy tail this day.

Here we are with another hair design. This one we had knots tied all around her head and then added a messy bun to it. This was fun.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Had to Move

This blog is just for Eilish and her hair designs. My hubby said I was making Eilish the only star in our family blog. Thanks to a lot of these wonderful ladies on my blog list, I became interested in doing my daughters hair so many different ways. I don't know if anyone will come by and see this or even leave a comment, yet this is for Eilish. I hope you enjoy seeing all the fun styles you can do with your own daughters hair.